Young at Heart
"You're never too old to be young" is one of my life's mantras. I'm not saying you should adopt a Peter Pan complex as there is much to be said for the lessons learned during our growing pains and the person we become on the other side - but shouldn't life be fun! Think of your favourite childhood memories. When was the last time you ran through a sprinkler on a hot summer day, made an ice cream concoction with everything in the cupboard or laid on the lawn watching clouds morph into animal shapes. Better yet, when was the last time you had a themed birthday party (I'll bet your 8th was your last). The always young-at- heart, Beckerman girls just threw themselves a Mickie and Minnie 1950's Birthday Bash, complete with costumes, balloons and a photo station! How much fun is that!? By the way, the wonderfully stylish woman with the dog is their mother. Looks like their family lives by my mantra too.

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